About Us
iinnii / paskwâwimostos / mashkode-bizhiki / p̅t̅eḣt̅ek̅a, tatanka / bison in the lands of Keeseekoowenin (Siksikáí’powahsin, Nêhiyawêwin, Anishinaabemowin, and Whitecap Dakota Nation, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation), photo C. Artuso
The Indigenous Kinship Circle (IKC) is a cross-boundary community of practice for Indigenous people and allies working to advance the wellbeing of our communities across the Central Grasslands of Turtle Island. Our community offers members a space to elevate Indigenous voices, find support, connect with Indigenous knowledge, share beneficial practices, and collaborate on projects. We also create bridges with Western environmental, conservation, and science communities to build understanding, respect, and inclusion of Indigenous perspectives.
We envision Indigenous communities that are happy, healthy, and thriving as we embody our lifeways and ancestral kinships, nurturing our relationships with each other, our relatives, and Mother Earth.