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Indigenous Kinship Circle

The Indigenous Kinship Circle (IKC) is a cross-boundary community of practice for Indigenous people and allies working to advance the wellbeing of our communities across the Central Grasslands of Turtle Island.

gwahareN, wantsi / niġe sꝁa / pronghorn with Dembita Wene, Duu Muzi Wener, Bavi / Grand Teton, (source, in the lands of Whitecap Dakota Nation), photo C. Artuso

About Us

The IKC has been shaped by the collective goals of our community. Click to learn about our mission and vision.

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kiitsípitsikayii / Upland Sandpiper ,           

(source), photo C. Artuso

Our Activities

 We are working in the IKC to support our grasslands and communities. Learn more about our activities and teams!


Get to Know Us

The IKC has Indigenous and ally members that come from diverse nations. Learn who is in our group and about the work they do.

wantsi /  niġe sk̅a / pronghorn
(source, Whitecap Dakota
Nation), photo C. Artuso

Our Approach

Our efforts are guided by the collective wisdom of our ancestors, grasslands, relatives, and members. Read about how we approach our work.

Our Resources

We compiled a list of resources that cover important perspectives and priorities of the IKC.

Bison with Grand Teton_6670_Artuso.jpg

guchuN, gutsuN / p̅t̅eḣt̅ek̅a, tatanka / bison with Dembita Wene, Duu Muzi Wener, Bavi / Grand Teton, (source, Whitecap Dakota Nation & Sioux Valley Dakota Nation), photo C. Artuso

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